Friday, January 9, 2009

Temporal Tactics

1. Gameplay

This is a turn based strategy game on a grid. This game would have a single player story mode but it would be possible to play against another player. The player is the commander of a group of time traveling soldiers. The soldiers are broken up into different classes that all have different functions. There are only four soldiers allowed on the field at a time but these four soldiers can travel through time and send back a stronger version of them selves to fight in the battle. The soldier from the present is called the Alpha and this soldier can call up 3 alternate versions of them; Beta, Gamma, and Omega. Each class of soldiers have different abilities of course but some of these abilities can only be used by future versions of themselves. The Omega abilities are some of the strongest but if any of the incarnations below are killed then the Omega will be removed from the field. Also if two temporal soldiers are standing next to each other on the grid it is possible to use a combo attack. The draw back is that they are vulnerable to an attack from any artillery in range. Each side is not able to view the hit points or temporal level of the enemy units unless they use a support units ability to detect this information.

1.1 Inventory of game parts

Temporal Soldiers: (Player Pawns) These come in four classes. Each member of the Temporal squad can equip weapons and various skills that the player deems necessary for victory. Each soldier can level up. The player can have a fair number of Soldiers at the base but only four on the field at a time.

Recon: These solders are lightly armed, fast, good at hiding and get a bonus attack on artillery units.

Marines: These solders are stronger than recon, but slower in movement and get a bonus when attacking Recon.

Artillery: These soldiers are very heavily armed, slower in movement, and they get a bonus when attacking Marines. Also if multiple Artillery units are in range of the same enemy unit they can perform a combo attack with out needing to stand next to the other unit

Support: These units are able to detect hidden recon units. Support can time travel back and heal injuries of other units. They are also able to see what temporal level (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega) an enemy unit is. They get a penalty when attacked by any other class of unit including other Support units.

Flux Capacity: All time traveling units in the game have a Flux Capacity allowing them to manipulate time. When an Alpha wishes to travel through time and bring in a Beta it uses Flux Capacity. The Beta will come in with the same hit point and Flux Capacity as the Alpha. If the Alpha takes damage then a percentage of the damage is transferred to the Beta. Also a percentage of damage is transferred down the line to the Gamma and Omega. A Support unit using the healing ability also uses Flux Capacity and the healing will transferred down the line just like damage.

2. Game Board

The game board is a grid similar to any Tactical Strategy game. Think Final Fantasy Tactics.

2.1 General Course of Play

Starting the Game:

At the start of the game the player can name his starting Temporal Soldiers or allow the game to randomly select names for the four starting Soldiers. The player is given one unit of each class. If they want more units of the same class then it is possible to recruit them.

Phase 1: At the Base

At the Base the player can equip their Soldiers with whatever equipment they have in the inventory. The player can also go to the store and buy new weapons and armor. The player can equip skills on their Soldiers. Or the Player can Start the next mission or a side mission.

Phase 2: In Battle

Once battle has been selected then they will face a team or enemy soldiers that can be temporal or non temporal. In battle it is not possible to see the Hit Points or Temporal Level of enemy units with out the use of a Support unit. The enemy has the same restriction. The battle will end once all of the units on one side have been removed from the battle field. If the player loses all of their units the game is over. If the enemy is the one that has been defeated then the player is returned to the base.

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