Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hover Tanks

1. Gameplay

Using the tilt sensitive controller in either the PS3 or the Wii to control a Hover Tank. Since hover tanks are a frictionless craft when the main gun of the tank fires the Tank will be pushed in the opposite direction of the shot. The player will then have to adjust the controller to account for this shot. Also if the player is moving in a particular direction they will have to provide counter thrust to stop their current movement.

Hover Tanks become more powerful depending on the number of players in them. Meaning that if only one player was in a tank that player would only be able to drive the Tank and fire the main gun. However if another player on the same team enters the tank that player would be able to operate that Hover Tank's secondary weapon. What that secondary weapon is, is dependant on the tank. Possible secondary weapons are machine guns, artillery bombardment, missile turrets, or magnetic mines. Some Hover Tanks have room for 4 players. While the tank becomes stronger the trade of is that if that Hover Tank is destroyed whoever killed it gets 4 kills. Kills are based on the number of players killed not the number of Tanks killed. While this does lend it self to multiplayer gameplay in a death match there is also the possibility for co-op and counter-op style gameplay.

1.1 Inventory of game parts

Tank Driver: (The player pawn) The player is a tank driver. When the player is not in a Hover Tank they will be in a third person over the shoulder view of the world. They have a side arm but that side arm will do little damage to a Tank. The reason that they have a side arm is to shoot at any other soldiers or Tank Drivers they happen upon. If the player is killed in this mode it will count as a kill in death match. If the player feels that their Hover Tank is no longer what they want to be driving or it is about to explode they may exit the Tank but this takes a small amount of time, depending on the Tank. Hopefully they will be able to find another Hover Tank before whoever damaged their Tank kills them.

Hover Tank: (The player vehicle) These come in various speeds, sizes and armaments. Stronger Tanks may pact more of a punch but they are slower. All of the typical trades offs apply.

Buildings: (Obstacles) The buildings in the game are destructible and are physics objects. Some objectives or multiplayer victory conditions may require the player to destroy certain buildings. Buildings will also do damage to the Hover Tank if the player crashes into them. There are also other types of obstacles in the world like barricades.

Soldiers: (Enemies and Sometimes Friendlys) The player is in a war zone and that being the case will at times be attacking groups of troops defending an entrenched position. Or defending a group of troops under attack from enemy Hover Tanks.

AI Hover Tanks: (Enemies and Sometimes Friendlys) Enemy hover tanks will confront the player. Enemy Tanks may have different number of Tank Drivers in them and so being will have different abilities.

2. Setting up the game

Multiplayer will have several different modes to choose from. Death Match, Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, Control points. In Death Match it is a free for all and whoever kills the most enemy Tank Drivers will be the winner at the end of a time limit or kill count. Same goes for Team Death Match but you have players on your team that can help you kill enemy Tank Drivers. In Capture the Flag each team gets to place their flag hidden inside a building. The other team must destroy the building that your team has hidden the flag in but they don't know what building that it has been hidden in. Return the flag to your base to score a point. With Control points you'll have to exit your tank and jump out to activate a control point. This takes a small amount of time. When you've linked up a control point that connects to the enemy base you'll be able to destroy their HQ. Once the HQ is destroyed then your team has won the match.

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