Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Depth Charge

1. Gameplay

This is a two player puzzle game in an underwater setting. Players have a communal piece pot from which to grab various different underwater structures to create a habitable environment. However you can drop pieces on your opponent's side of the board as well to disrupt or destroy the various structures in their underwater environment. The choice a player is faced with is whether to make their own city better or attack their opponent. The absolute greater goal of the game is to have the highest population of people living on your side of the board when time or pieces run out, either by dropping your opponent's population or increasing your own.

  1. 1 Inventory of game parts

Population: (Scoring) The population count in the game will determine who the winner at the end of the game is. Living Quarters are what house your Population. People need air to live but if you have power as well you'll get more people. The total population count will be displayed slightly off the board.

Air Supply: (Resource) One Air Supply building will Supply air to three other buildings that require air. The total Air Supply will be displayed slightly off the board.

Power Supply: (Resource) One Power Supply building will supply power to three other buildings that require power. The total Power Supply will be displayed slightly off the board.

Piece Pool: (Game Pieces) In-between the player boards is a center divide that contains five Pieces. When a Piece is taken a new piece will appear. The only limitation you'll have is if you can get the Piece you want faster than your opponent.

  1. 2 Pieces

Command Center: The Command Center will generate one Air Supply and one Power Supply. Also it will allow for people to habitat. Since it is so powerful it has two hit points. (Does Not Require Air or Power. Conducible.)

Living Quarters: Five Hundred people can live in the Living Quarters. However they will only start to show up if there is Air Supplied to the Living Quarters. Having Power Supplied to the Living Quarters will allow you to have the Five Hundred Max as long as you still have Air Supplied. Living Quarters have one hit point. (Requires Air and can be Powered. Conducible.)

Power Station: Power Station will supply power to three other buildings that require power. Has one hit point. (Does not Require Air or Power. Conducible.)

Air Station: Air Station will supply Air to three other buildings that require air. Has one hit point. (Does not Require Air or Power. Conducible.)

Defense Shield: A metal barricade that will block enemy attacks. Has four hit points. (Does not Require Air or Power. Conducible.)

CO2 Vent: The CO2 vent will pump out CO2 gas up toward the surface. The effect being that dropped objects above the vent will fall slower. Has one hit point. (Requires Power. Conducible.)

Junk: Junk can be used to block enemy attacks or dropped on the enemy side of the board to disrupt the enemy settlement. Has three hit points on landing one in falling. (Does not Require Air or Power. Non-conducible.)

Bridge Tube: A tube that connects settlements together. Has one hit point. (Does not Require Air or Power. Conducible.)

Submarine: A defense object that will travel back and forth across the board at a specified height. It will block Depth Charges or Torpedoes. Has two hit points.

Toxic Barrel: An attack object that will lower the population of any living quarters it lands on.

Depth Charge: A slow moving attack object that will deal one damage to any structure it hits.

Torpedo: A fast moving attack object that will deal one damage to any structure it hits. Added bonus if the structure is destroyed by the Torpedo the structure will become Junk.

  1. 3 Game Board

The Game board is a side view of the ocean. The drop point on the board is at the top above sea level. The player can position the piece in a manner that is beneficial to their settlement's development. The board functions on a grid so all pieces will link up when dropped. When a piece is dropped it will sink toward the ocean floor.

2. Setting up the game

Before actual game starts the players will have to decide on an end condition. Three possible conditions are; number of pieces, time limit, and population count. At the start of the game the Player's side of the screen will be completely empty. The Piece Pool will be full of pieces. In the Player's hand will be a Command Center. The player has to drop the Command Center before they can move over and Pick Up a Piece that they want.

2.1 General course of play

Pick Up Phase: The two players (or the player and the AI if you don't have any friends) will complete for available pieces in this Phase. Once a piece has been claimed you can't put it back because a new piece will have already been added to the Piece Pool. The piece you've claimed then must be dropped on either side of the game boards (yours or opponent's).

Drop Phase: Once you have a piece you'll have to drop it on your board or your opponent's. When the Piece is dropped it will sink down to the bottom of the tank until it collides with another Piece or the ocean floor.

Sinking Phase: In the Sinking Phase two things could happen. The dropped piece will sink and land on the ground or another faster sinking piece will collide with it. This may be the case if I have dropped a depth charge on my opponent's side. To counter this attack my opponent would want to drop a piece of junk that would sink faster and collide with my depth charge before it landed on my opponent's settlement.

Attachment Phase: Once a piece is on the ground it will attach to the settlement. Meaning that if the piece requires Air or Power it will then draw from the Air or Power supply. If the required Air or Power is available then the dropped building will begin to function in the settlement. If not the dropped building will display a symbol saying that it needs Air or Power.

End Phase: Depending on the end condition set by the Players at the start of the game. If they chose, number of pieces the game would be over when all of the pieces in the piece pool had been dropped. Time limit once the time limit has expired the game would be over. Population count would require both players to play until the population total reaches a certain number. Whatever the case at the end count up the population in each settlement whoever has more is the winner.

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